Dec 30, 2024 | Driving Tips, Blog, Driving Safety
Anyone who’s weathered a Colorado winter knows something about our unpredictable climate; from abrupt heat waves to jarring temperature drops, sudden gales and blizzards, ice storms followed by flash melts — and sometimes all of the above in one day. Like all...
Oct 25, 2023 | Driving Tips, Blog, Hit & Run
After a sharp decline during the pandemic shutdown, hit-and-run car crashes are once again on the rise in Colorado. Denver alone has had 3,541 hit-and-run accident reports filed in the first seven months of 2021, an average of 505 per month — slightly more than 16 a...
Oct 18, 2023 | Driving Tips, Blog, Car Insurance
According to The Zebra, an independent insurance comparison website, car insurance rates continue to rise steadily across the country, with the average rate up 28 percent over the past ten years. The site’s 2022 State of Auto Insurance report sifted through auto...
Oct 11, 2023 | What To Do After An Accident, Driving Tips, Blog, DUI Accidents
Everyone knows that driving while intoxicated is foolish, illegal — and deadly. Yet despite decades of public awareness campaigns and tougher laws, drunk driving remains the single largest cause of preventable deaths on America’s streets and highways, accounting for...
Sep 27, 2023 | Driving Tips, Blog, Colorado
Anyone who’s been stuck on Denver’s busiest roads during peak driving times — meaning just about any time between dawn and dusk, it seems — knows that the metropolitan area has a traffic problem. Statistical studies consistently rank Denver among the 25 worst cities...
Sep 13, 2023 | Driving Tips, Blog, Driving Safety, Safety Tips
Not too long ago, dash-mounted cameras seemed to be found almost exclusively in patrol cars used by state troopers and other law-enforcement personnel. But now you can find excerpts of disturbing crash videos all over YouTube and the nightly news, many of them taken...